Siófoki Fürdőegylet
Turisztikai Egyesület
The Tourism Association Siófok has a long history. Its predecessor was the Bath Association, founded in 1914, which was established to organize the local bath life at that time. Eighty years later, it was re-established in 1994 as a non-governmental organization, and since 2007 it has been operating as a TDM (Tourist Destination Management) organization in the Water Tower building, operating the Tourinform office.
The main task of the association is to coordinate, support and represent the activities of enterprises and service providers interested in tourism in order to increase the number of tourists arriving in Siófok and to inform as many people as possible about the opportunities provided by the town.
We are committed to the development of local tourism and take an active role in related activities.
The outstanding tasks of our Association
- Operation of the Tourinform office (information service, accommodation booking, guest information, ticket sales)
- Design and implementation of Siófok's annual marketing and event communication
- Increasing the membership of the association, representing its interests, transmitting touristical news to them
- Editing, distributing and presenting free publications about Siófok (city book, city guide, image publication, city map, infocard, calendar of events, bicycle map, Siófok area publication)
- Organizing festivals, small events
- Participation in the 'Open Lake Balaton' campaign
- Operation of the town's official tourism website (, Facebook page (Hello Siófok) and Instagram page (@hellosiofok)
- Participation in professional exhibitions and events
Benefits of the membership
- Our annual general meeting provides an opportunity for our members to build relationships, at which our active members can exercise their voting rights.
- We provide free appearence for our members on town’s official tourism website,
- Our members receive a 50% discount on advertising in any of our publications (city guide, infocard, city map)
- We provide a certain amount of city publications (city guide, city map, etc.) to our members
- We regularly inform our membership in our Facebook group and newsletter about changes and news concerning tourism
- Rendszeres hírlevélben értesítjük tagjainkat a turizmust érintő változásokról, hírekről
- aOur members can place their own flyers in the Tourinform office
If you have any questions about the association, please feel free to contact us! Contact details of our staff can be found in the right-hand column.
Sincereley: Renáta Balogh
President of the Tourism Association Siófok